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Zesty Kale Slaw from Let Them Eat Kale! by Julia Mueller

Zesty Kale Slaw from Let Them Eat Kale! by Julia Mueller

  I’m in a restaurant and I see Kale Caesar Salad. Down the street, a sign on the sidewalk in front of a smoothie establishment lists all their kale beverages. All ten of them. I have the sense of a kale invasion. I went to google, searched and found this:...
Suzi’s Brooklyn Style Coleslaw Dressing

Suzi’s Brooklyn Style Coleslaw Dressing

  “I want coleslaw tonight,” I said to my wife. “I was just going to say that to you,” Suzi smiled. We were in our market in the produce section and I was able to reach over and grab a cabbage in a flash. “What are you doing?” Suzi asked. “Cole. Slaw,” I said...
Japanese Style Cucumber and Radish Salad

Japanese Style Cucumber and Radish Salad

  I cannot image two veggies more distinct than cucumbers and radishes. Cucumbers are sweet and soothing. Radishes can wake the dead. Both have crunch it is true, but the cucumbers more quickly succumb to your bite. Radishes resist to the bitter end. Pun...