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For yesterday’s blog of a Very Vanilla Layer Cake you need a superior chocolate frosting. Superior.

Back to Baking by Flavor and in the chocolate chapter there is Buttery Chocolate Frosting. It’s a bit dangerous to say that a frosting is the best you’ve ever had. I’ve done my share of chocolate frostings, more than ten less than a million. I really, really think that there is no better chocolate frosting than this one. It has a perfect texture, one that you can see as well as feel. And, of course, taste. One recipe of this wonder is plenty for a two layer cake.

When you combine it with a great vanilla cake, you truly have the ultimate baking experience.

Buttery Chocolate Frosting

Yield: about 3 ⅔ cups


  • 7 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
  • 5 ounces unsweetened chocolate, melted and cooled to tepid
  • Large pinch of slat
  • 1 ½ teaspoon intensified vanilla extract
  • 4 ⅓ cup plus 2 tablespoons unsifted confectioners’ sugar
  • ½ cup plus 2 tablespoons milk


Using an electric hand mixer, blend the butter, melted unsweetened chocolate, salt, vanilla extract, half of the confectioners’ sugar, and all of the milk in a large mixing bowl. Blend in the remaining confectioners’ sugar and continue beating the frosting on moderate speed for 1 to 2 minutes, or until very smooth. Scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl once or twice with a rubber spatula to keep the frosting even-textured. Raise the speed to high and beat for 1 minute.

The frosting should be thick and creamy-textured. If the frosting seems at all dense after the minute of beating on high speed, add a little more milk, a teaspoon at a time, to lighten the frosting.

Use the frosting immediately.

Source: Baking by Flavor by Lisa Yockelson